It's so important to have students practice their multiplication facts. They need to know them with at least some automaticity. However, just studying flashcards is boring and it also doesn't work for everyone.
Using hands-on activities and fun worksheets makes it fun for students to practice and learn their facts.
Here are some ideas on how to practice multiplication facts in the classroom.
1. Kaboom - Multiplication Hands-on Activities
Have you heard of Kaboom? Students love it. It's one of my favorite multiplication hands-on activities.
It does take some upfront prep, but once that's done the first time, you don't have to do it again.
You'll need popsicle sticks and a cup or can to put them in. I like the wider popsicle sticks because they are easier to write on, but the skinny ones will work too. You're going to write multiplication facts on the sticks (one per stick) and on a few, you're going to write the word KABOOM.
Students will take turns pulling sticks and answering the problem. If they get it right, they get to keep the stick. If they draw a Kaboom, they have to put all of their sticks back.
You could also make other versions of this game for other topics that you teach.
2. Multiplication War - Math Games with Cards
This game is no prep and all you need is a deck of cards. My students love math games with cards. It is similar to the regular game of War if you are familiar with it.
Students play in pairs and divide the cards equally between them. Each student puts out two cards and each person multiplies their two cards (I do J, Q, and K worth 10 and Aces worth 1). Whoever has the highest product wins all four cards and they hang on to them. Then they each put two cards down again. Students continue to do this until someone runs out of cards. If they don't get to that point, whoever has the most cards is the winner.
3. Math Games with Dominoes
There are so many great ways to use dominoes for math. It's really easy to use them for multiplication facts. A student draws a domino, multiplies the two numbers, and keeps the domino if they are correct. The student with the most dominoes at the end wins. Easy peasy!
4. Practice Math Facts Online
There are a lot of fun ways for students to practice their facts online.
XtraMath is a great way to track how well students are doing on their facts.
Multiplication Playground has a few fun and interactive multiplication games.
Another website with some fun games is
You could also have your class do Kahoot and Blooket to practice their facts together as a class. If you've never heard of Blooket you need to check it out. It's a bit like Kahoot but more gamified and interactive.
I also use Boom cards which are fun for the students since they are interactive. I also like that they get immediate feedback on how they're doing and I get a report at the end on how they did.
Escape rooms are really popular with kids now as well. Here's a multiplication facts escape room for free (by signing up for my email list).
5. Multiplication Charts for Practicing multiplication Facts
Did you know that some state tests allow students to use a self-created multiplication chart on the test (if they create it during the testing time)? Years ago, we started teaching our students to make their own multiplication charts to help them on the test.
We start with a multiplication chart with only the numbers on the outsides filled in. We start with the easy facts such as 2s, 5s, and 10s, going across and up and down. Then we move on to the 3s and go up from there. By the time we get to the harder facts, there aren't many left to be filled in. Here's a free multiplication chart free printable.
I also give students these multiplication facts chart puzzles that make it fun to practice filling in the charts. These worksheets for multiplication charts are great for homework, centers, and any extra practice.
We get to the point eventually where I just give the students graph paper and they make their own from scratch.
6. Fun Multiplication Worksheets
There are lots of fun multiplication worksheets for students to practice their facts. My students love the color by code worksheets. Just go to Teachers Pay Teachers and type color by code multiplication facts and you will find a ton.
My students also enjoy these multiplication facts math mazes. They get mazes and coloring all wrapped into one.
Whatever ways you have your students practicing multiplication facts, make sure to do it regularly. It's so important for students to have that automaticity when they have to do the bigger problems that involve multiplication facts.
Do you have any fun ways that you have students practice their facts? Comment below and let me know.
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