The Quick and Easy Way to Organize Classroom Jobs for Students

classroom jobs photo of empty classroom

If you're a teacher, especially in elementary, then most likely you have classroom jobs for your students.  Class jobs help to build responsibility and they give you a little help during the day.

For many years, I had about 8-10 jobs.  Each Friday afternoon, I would take down the job cards, check off which job the students had done to make sure they rotated through all of them, and then put up new job cards.  All in all, it took about 10 minutes to do.  That's not a lot of time, but it was a Friday and I wanted to go home.

I really don't remember where I first got the idea to change my job system.  Probably from Pinterest or Instagram.  But I love my new job system and I will never go back.

So how do I do classroom jobs for students?

It's so simple.  I have two helpers each day.  That's it!  They do everything that I need to be done that day.  Then, at the end of the day, I switch helpers.  It takes less than 30 seconds to do.

How do I get it ready?

I started with name tags that match my classroom décor.  They are 3"x4".  I printed them on cardstock and then laminated them (I'm still using the same set 5 years later).  Then I punched a whole in the middle near the top.  Index cards would work well for this too.

Once I have my class list, I write students' names on in permanent marker (this will come off later with rubbing alcohol).  This ensures that it doesn't rub off throughout the year.  When you do this step, make sure to not stack them on top of each other as soon as you write the names or the marker will smudge.  I forget this step each year and end up with smudged names.  If you just lay them out separately, it only takes a minute or so for the marker to dry.

How do I set it up?

For this step, I use two binder rings and two command hooks.  I divide the cards with student names up into two equal piles, put each pile onto a ring, and then hang each ring up on the command hooks.  I usually have the command hooks hung up near the date on my whiteboard.

Supplies needed for the classroom jobs for students.

How do I maintain it?

At the end of each day, I have a routine of certain things that need to be done such as changing the schedule, changing the date, and changing the jobs.  At this time, I take a ring off the hook, flip the first card to the back and hang it back up.  I do this for both rings.  Now I have new helpers ready to go for the next day.  Depending on the size of your class, your students will be a helper every 2-3 weeks.

Then, throughout the day, whenever I need something done, such as taking books to the library, running something to the office, or passing out papers, I have the student helpers do it together.

If someone is absent, I flip their card to the back and keep going.

Then, at the end of the year, I clean the names off with rubbing alcohol and my cards are ready to go again for the next year.

Classroom jobs for students cards in use in the classroom.

Do you have a system for classroom jobs for students that you absolutely love?  Comment below, I'd love to hear about it.

